Meeting #20: Mackinder Forum Annual Conference, held under the auspices of the American Society for Competitiveness, Washington, DC, October 24-27, 2018
Leonard Hochberg, Coordinator, Mackinder Forum-US & Senior Fellow, FPRI, "Thinking Geopolitically with Mackinder," 10/25/18
Phil Kelly, "Rescuing Classical Geopolitics: Separating Geopolitics from Realism," 10/25/18
John Baker, ESQ & Emeritus Professor, LSU Law Center, "The Legal Limits of Free Trade," 10/25/18
Tong Zhao, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, China, "China's Nuclear Arms Doctrine: Capacity and Intent," Sponsored by Strategic Forecasting, Inc., 10/25/18
Maia Otarashvili, Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI), "Geopolitics of the Greater Black Sea Basin: Where Great Power Interests Converge and Small Countries Master How to Navigate the Rough Seas," 10/26/18
Lukas Milevski, Leiden University, "Window in the Heart(land): The Geopolitics of the Easter Baltic Littoral," 10/26/18
William Thompson, Emeritus Professor, Indiana University, "History, Technology, and Commerce," Sponsored by Strategic Forecasting, Inc., 10/26/18
Rodger Baker, Senior Vice President, Strategic Analysis, Strategic Forecasting, Inc., "Democracy, Geography, and Strategy: Is a Grand Strategy of the United States Possible?" 10/27/18
Brian Blouet, William & Mary University, "Mackinder and World War I," 10/27/18
Peter Hugill, Texas A & M University, "Transition Theory, State Type, and Hegemony: Their Origins in the Works of Halford Mackinder," 10/27/18
William Thompson, Emeritus Professor, Indiana University, "Norms and Rules in Flux?" Sponsored by Strategic Forecasting, Inc., 10/27/18
Bert Chapman, Perdue University, "The Arctic's Emerging Geopolitics: Recommendations for the United States and its NATO Allies," 10/27/18
Francis Sempa, Wilkes University, "Kennan and the Geopolitics of Containment," 10/27/18
Phil Kelly, Emporia State University, "American Sea Power: The Unescapable but Imperative Global Stabilizer," 10/27/18
Peter J. Hugill, Texas A & M University, "The Techno-geopolitics of the British/American Transition with Lessons for the American/Chinese Struggle," Sponsored by Strategic Forecasting, Inc., 10/27/18 -- The Mackinder Forum is pleased to announce that Professor Hugill's Transition in Power: Technological 'Warfare' and the Shift from British to American Hegemony since 1919 (Lexington Books, 2018) is the recipient of the 2018 STRATFOR Book Award for Geopolitical Analysis.
Geoff Sloan, University of Reading, UK & Coordinator, Mackinder Forum-UK, "The Geopolitical Implications for the US of China's 'One Road, One Belt Initiative,' " 10/27/18
Francis Sempa, Wilkes University, "China as a 'Going Concern': The South China Sea and Beyond," 10/27/18
Note: The Mackinder Forum wishes to thank Strategic Forecasting, Inc. for its sponsorship of lectures at our annual meeting and is support for the annual book award.