Meeting No. 8: Mackinder Forum Conference (“International Business & International Security”), sponsored by European Strategic Institute, Hamburg, Germany, November 10-11, 2005
"Money-Laundry as a threat to International Business"
Professor Dr. Jean Avenel, University of Paris III
"Unternehmenstransformation fur eine sichere 'Supply Chain' " ("Enterprise Transformation for a Secure Supply Chain")
Mr. Thomas Dobler, Partner & Geshaftsfuhrer, Deloitte Consulting GmbH
"Sea Lanes of Communication and Internationally Security Policy"
Vice Admiral Lutz Feldt, Federal Ministry of Defence and Inspector of the Navy
"Asymmetric Threats and International Business"
Professor Leonard Hochberg & Professor James D. Hardy Jr., Louisiana State University
"Die Weltwirtshaft und die internationale Sicherhiet der Hafen" ("The Global Economy and International Harbour Security")
Mr. Harry Mohns, Member of the Executive Board, Eurogate Group
"Securing Business in the Middle East: The Peace Process"
Dr. Shaul Shay, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT), Interdisciplinary Center, Herzilya, Israel; and Head, Department of Military History, IDF