Video Archive
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12.08.2024 - Eitan Shamir, Ph.D.
"Not an End State but a Long Game: Israel’s Strategic Goals in the Iron Swords War"
Watch10.31.2024 - Richard Kauzlarich
"Mackinder's Return to the Geopolitics of Energy Security (now Transition) ... or Did He Ever Leave?"
Watch08.16.2024 - Scott Smitson, Ph.D.
"Latin America Geostrategic Importance: Assessment and Update"
Watch06.09.2024 - "Perspectives on the Hamas-Israel War"
A panel featuring Rodger Baker and Robert Destro, Ph.D.
Watch04.14.2024 - Raphael BenLevi, Ph.D.
"The War on Israel's Northern Front: What is at stake and what can be done?"
Watch03.24.2024 - Michaela Dodge, Ph.D.
"Addressing Challenges to Allied Assurance in an Emerging Tripolar Nuclear Environment"
Watch12.01.2023 - Jeffrey McCausland, Ph.D.
"Israel's War in Gaza - Where we have been, where we are, and where we might be going."