“Asian Geopolitics and Expeditionary Operations: An Australian Perspective”
Meeting No. 12: Mackinder Forum Workshop (“Geopolitics and the Future of the Nation State”) sponsored by Rear Admiral Chris Parry CBE, Director General Development, Concepts and Doctrine at The Old Mi
“Geopolitical Theory and State-Breakdown Theory: Lessons from the Fall of the Soviet Bloc”
Dr. Randall Collins, Dorothy Swaine Thomas Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
“Conflict between Maritime and Territorial Organizations”
Doctor Paul Coones, Lecturer in Geography and Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford, UK
“Middle-Eastern Shatterbelts and Political Instability”
Dr. Geoffrey Kemp, Director, Regional Strategic Programs, Nixon Center, Washington, DC
“Commercial Networks and Political Instability”
Professor Gerald Schneider, Department of Politics and Management, University of Konstanz, Germany
“Urbanization, International Narcotics, Terror Networks, and the Future of the Nation-State
Dr. Phil Williams, Professor of International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh