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Mackinder Forum Virtual Seminar #91 & Video Recording: Prof. Beatrice Heuser, “Russia-Ukraine War: the Difficulties of Making Peace”

It was a delight to have Prof. Beatrice Heuser address the forum on January 27, 2024 with her talk “Russia-Ukraine War: the Difficulties of Making Peace.”

The recording is embedded below. Continue scrolling for the abstract, Prof. Heuser’s bio and more reading.

View Dr. Heuser's talk on YouTube.

Since 1815, Making Peace has concerned not only the settlement of a particular conflict but also patterns of international relations globally, what is often referred to as an “international system”. Today, also, making peace between Russia and Ukraine concerns the international system post bellum, which is why it will be so difficult, even if we ardently wish for the killing and the maiming to cease.

Professor Beatrice Heuser
Professor Beatrice Heuser has a B.A. in History from Bedford College, a M.A. in International History from the London School of Economics and a D.Phil. in Political Science from the University of Oxford. In addition, she holds a Higher Doctorate from the University of Marburg. She currently holds the Chair in International Relations, University of Glasgow. She is seconded to the General Staff Academy of the Bundeswehr as Head of Strategy Führungs-Akademie Clausewitz Kaserne. 

Her monographs include the following titles: 
*War: A Genealogy of Western Ideas and Practices (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022) 
*Strategy before Clausewitz: Linking Warfare and Statecraft (Abingdon: Routledge, 2017) 
*The Strategy Makers: Thoughts on War and Society from Machiavelli to Clausewitz (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2010) 
*The Evolution of Strategy: Thinking War from Antiquity to the Present (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010)