Mackinder Forum Archive

Mackinder Forum Virtual Seminar #5: "The Enduring Geopolitical Lessons of the Persian & Peloponnesian Wars"

Written by admin | Jun 8, 2020 4:00:00 AM

June 7, 2020

Professor Paul Rahe (Hillsdale College) led our fifth Mackinder Forum Seminar; he discussed "The Enduring Geopolitical Lessons of the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars." A discussion followed.

The Coordinator of the Mackinder Forum-US circulated two readings by Professor Rahe: (1) "The Primacy of Domestic Politics," a expanded version of a paper, "The Dangerous Blinders of Realism," published by The American Interest, November 13, 2020; and (2) "Sparta Ascendant, Athens Rising: Alliance, Ambivalence, Rivalry, and War in a Tripolar World," unpublished ms.

Professor Rahe won the 2019 STRATFOR BOOK AWARD FOR GEOPOLITICAL ANALYSIS (administered by the Mackinder Forum) on the occasion of the publication of his Sparta's First Attic War: The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta, 478-446 B.C., Yale University Press.